Half term week

Software Development

October 24, 2023
4:00 pm

Wanted to ask Alexa more about careers? Ever wondered how Alexa actually works? None of it would be possible without software development - the creative process where innovation meets ingenuity through coding, testing, and design. Dive into Alexa innovation with first-hand insight from an Amazon Software Developer. Discover career paths and insights in this dynamic class chat.

Watch the recordingRegistrations coming soon!

Frequently asked questions

What happens if I can't make a live talk/webinar?
What software is required for the live talks?
Will I be able to ask questions/do I have to have my microphone on?

Software Development

October 24, 2023
4:00 pm

Wanted to ask Alexa more about careers? Ever wondered how Alexa actually works? None of it would be possible without software development - the creative process where innovation meets ingenuity through coding, testing, and design. Dive into Alexa innovation with first-hand insight from an Amazon Software Developer. Discover career paths and insights in this dynamic class chat.

Watch the recordingRegistrations coming soon!